Feb 13, 2011
Take a picture of the birds in your back yard for 15 minutes then you can count them better!
You may find it helpful to print a
regional tally sheet so you have a list of birds you’re likely to see in your area in February.
Get your check list at this link
- · Count birds at any location for at LEAST 15 minutes—or more if you wish. Later you’ll be asked to record the amount of time you spent watching.
- · Write down only the
highest number of each species you see together at any one time to avoid counting the same birds more than once. For example, if you see 8 cardinals as you start your count period, then later you see 12, and later still you see 3, you’ll only report 12–the highest number you saw together at once.
Please do not add the numbers together.
- · You’ll submit your data on a new checklist for each day you participate in the count. It’s OK if you count at the same location each day—submit a new list for each day.
- · You’ll submit a new checklist for each
new location. You can submit more than one checklist on a given day if you count at more than one site.
ENTER YOUR CHECKLIST(S): When you’re ready to enter your checklist(s), go to the GBBC website at www.BirdCount.org and click on the big “Submit your checklists” button at the top. You won’t see this button until 7:00 AM the Friday the GBBC begins. Everything you need to know will be clear on the web page as you enter your information. If you’d like a preview of what you’ll see, keep reading.
http://www.qwiki.com/q/#!/Eastern_BluebirdHappy Birding!
Songbird Prairie 877-766-4273 find us on facebook and twitter